Alright, It's 2010 and I'm going to blog this year. Period. (Just so you know, I'm laughing at myself right now for saying that.)
We took a trip to Great Wolf Lodge for the New Year. It was so much fun! This was in the hotel room where they provided us with really cool hats :) Hudson had so much fun! He loves the water and even went down the toddler slides. He would float in his life jacket and splash anyone and everyone. It is a really fun family place and we can't wait to go back!
He is getting so big! Well not physically. He is on the lower end of the percentile for his age, so at this point in his life he is taking after me. A growth spurt may change that later in life, but we don't care if he's small. He is talking so much. He will tell you all kinds of stuff and repeat anything and everything you tell him to. He is really in to playing rough with Tommy and rolling around on the floor or jumping off of the fireplace hearth or flying into his ball pit. He loves his cars right now too. He has a little ramp for his Chuck cars and he plays with it for hours a day. He's a wild man, but a total Mama's boy.
Looking through the ball pit window
Our most recent adventure was last monday morning. Hudson had to have tubes put in. Everything went pretty well and he was only gone from us for about 15 minutes even though we were there 3 hours. He had a reaction to the anesthesia that night and was sick, but other than that, all went well. Hopefully they will rid us of all the ear infections forever! One can hope!
Our most recent adventure was last monday morning. Hudson had to have tubes put in. Everything went pretty well and he was only gone from us for about 15 minutes even though we were there 3 hours. He had a reaction to the anesthesia that night and was sick, but other than that, all went well. Hopefully they will rid us of all the ear infections forever! One can hope!
We took Hudson out to play in the snow last week for the first time. He was so excited to get all dressed up and after about 20 minutes of putting on layer after layer, we headed out with his new sled. He had a blast, but it was cold and windy so after about 20 min we came in. At least we stayed out as long as it took to get dressed. I loved seeing him bundled so thick he could barely walk and try to throw snow at me with his mittens. It was a lot of fun!
I'll leave you until next time with this video of Hudson's extreme jumping from the fireplace. :)
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